Need help replacing reflector

I have a reflector on a source 4 elipsoidal with a big ole crack in it and need to change it out. I however have not found any documentation to help with the process. I would greatly appreciate any help here.

  • I've used two other methods which don't require me to remove the rivets, but they have the potentially  to create flying glass shards, so use either of these methods while wearing appropriate personal protective equipment.

    Remove the reflector houseing from the barrel and shutter assembly so you can see the entire reflector.

    On a hard surface, preferably with a carpet betwen the fixture and the surface, firmly bang the reflector assembly down on the surface so the reflector may pop out of the spring clips. Again, keep that silver ring so you can re-use it.  You may need to do this a couple of times to get it out.  If the reflector is cracked all the way through, it may fall into pieces.

    If that doesn't work,  you can also take a hammer to the reflector, as the big ole crack makes it likely unusable anyway, so breaking it further won't make any difference.  Again I stress, wear all proper protective gear (long sleeve shirt, safety glasses or faceshield, gloves) so you don't get injured by any flying glass shards. 

    Popping the new reflector should just be a matter of pressing firmly down equally on all four quadrants of the reflector until all the spring clips catch the edge of the reflector.  It is possible to get it in crooked, so take some care when reinstalling the new reflector, because you may have to try the same techniques or drill the rivets out if it gets stuck.


    Good luck.


  • ETC does have a Source 4 Assembly guide:

    It gives more information on reflector replacement on pages 7 and 8.  It is also a good reference for part numbers when ordering replacement parts.



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