How To Fix A Dead Source Four Ellipsoidal?

I've a Source Four Ellipsoidal that's just dead. 'Stick a new bulb in it and still nothing.

Any ideas on how to fix it or who to contact in order to have it fixed?


  • When you say dead what do you mean? Are you getting power to the fixture? Have you tested straight power vs. dimmed power? Have you looked at the cap to see how the contacts in it look? If they are black this often means that you will need to get the cap re-wired?


    Please let us know what you mean by "dead"


  • When you say dead what do you mean? Are you getting power to the fixture? Have you tested straight power vs. dimmed power? Have you looked at the cap to see how the contacts in it look? If they are black this often means that you will need to get the cap re-wired?


    Please let us know what you mean by "dead"

