Is it necessary to turn off circuit breaker for LEDs?

I have 22 Paletta 21s. My colleague says it is important to turn off all of the circuit breakers whenever the LEDs are inactive (so after a event, I am suppose to turn it off). However, I say it is unnecessary because whenever we don't use the LEDs, the DMX value is set to zero. Thus, no power being sent to the fixture. I believe it is a unnecessary action because the fixture has no power. Then my colleague says there is still power going into the unit and the cooling fan will still come on and off and the circuit board is still powered up even when there is no DMX signal... There is still 120 volts entering the unit.
Doesn't the fan only turn on when the lamp is on or the temperature is high? So, the fan does not turn on while the fixture is not in use but power is open (breaker is on).
So my final question is: Is it required or necessary to turn off the circuit breakers to LEDs to converse the life and/or does it harm the fixture when it is kept on and not in use (dimmer breaker is on but no intensity)?
Help, please!

  • Perhaps not necessary but your colleague is correct. The Palettas consume energy when they are not emitting light.

    The manual says: 

    It is good practice to power down any device with on-board electronics to limit
    unnecessary wear on the devices and eliminate residual use of electricity. When
    not in use, Selador fixtures should be powered down by disconnecting from power
    either at the breaker or by unplugging..

  • Perhaps not necessary but your colleague is correct. The Palettas consume energy when they are not emitting light.

    The manual says: 

    It is good practice to power down any device with on-board electronics to limit
    unnecessary wear on the devices and eliminate residual use of electricity. When
    not in use, Selador fixtures should be powered down by disconnecting from power
    either at the breaker or by unplugging..
