Selador Vivid forum and lensing question

So I have two questions - the first is website related, as there doesn't seem to be a luminaires category for the Selador instruments, and as this is like the hottest new ETC lighting thing since the EOS series, I think there should be a forum category!


Secondly, the reason I'm looking for a Selador category is that I'm looking to buy some Vivids for our cyc lighting system, and I'm having trouble figuring out what I want to buy. I got a demo of the little 11" guy, a single unit, and tried swapping around several lenses to see how it performed. I did determine that in everything except the red range, it outdid a single 1000w standard Cyc instrument, (and was pretty close even in the reds) so I know they've got the punch to really blow away our audiences with the beautiful colors. What I don't know is how to determine whether I should be looking at, for instance, 10 @ 11" instruments, or 4 @ 63" instruments, and which lenses to use for a good balanced Cyclorama wash that has enough punch and distance to be comparable to traditional Cyc-lighting methods.

Do you have any thoughts? Any recommendations on the best process for making this decision? A suggestion for certain sizes of cyc, or what will look best for which lenses at what distance on a cyc, or a way to make a comparison without having to get my poor local vendor to provide massive amounts of demo equipment?

  • [Third time replying.  Is the site having issues or just me?]

    Too many variables for a worthwhile suggestion.  What is the size, color, and material of existing cyc?  Available mounting position(s)?  Top or bottom or both?  As for the demo, two units IN YOUR SPACE should be enough, and reasonable.  You wouldn't buy a car without a test drive, right?  Ten units cost more than many cars.  If your vendor won't oblige, find another dealer.

  • I appreciate the thoughts Derek but that wasn't really what I was asking about. Two units is totally doable, and my vendor has already had me demo one, but my concern is figuring out which units to demo. I mean, there's 4 different sizes and dozens of lens options. I don't expect anyone on a forum (though I was hoping someone from ETC Selador would reply directly) to be able to give me an answer, but I was looking more for a recommendation of what process to go through to make decisions - like which units I should demo.

  • Mark,


    Some testing has been carried out on the best ways to achieve a good cyc wash.

    Take a look at this document for some pointers.


    Hope this helps you make your decision




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