Color control on Selador Lustr

Hi there !

I'm currently working on the design of a light control system for a theatre show controlling a bunch of Selador fixtures, based on the MaxMSP software, through a DMX interface (LanBox).

What I want to achieve is a more intuitive and gestural control of the colors than the 7 values of individual colors. I have made a stub of control system based on HSL, that converts these 3 parameters to the 7 color values. This allows me, e.g. to control the color of the fixture with a graphic tablet, or in interaction with sound, stage gesture, or whatever else able to feed my software...

Though, the maths have been made in a *very* empirical way, and I was wondering if there were any "official" (or unofficial) calculations, formulas, or charts to convert from RGB and/or HSL to the selador scheme ?

Also, if spectrum charts (e.g. wavelength/intensity) were available for each color of the fixtures, I would be very interested to have a look on them...


Hint on this, anyone ?

BTW, was my description of the problem clear enough ?




Pascal Baltazar

Intermedia Composer, France

  • Hi

    i'm using seladors too

    i don't know a scheme where to find the data you are searching for.

    the only helpful thing could be the selador application for android an ios phone. You can search for "ETC Selador" in the appstore.

    there you find the values for each Gel in the fixture.


    hope you still needed that help


  • Hi and thanks to both of you for your answers !

    Well, yes and no, I have found answers to these questions:

    I didn't find any ready-made scheme or anything. And finding values for each gel (as in the iPhone app you mention, or with the Excel spreadsheets ETC provides) wasn't useful for me, because I didn't want to work in this way, but rather in a more intuitive manner, by picking colors visually. 

    So, as we had a collaboration with a research center around this project, I asked them to analyze the spectrum of each LED of the fixture.

    Which they did, and then they developed an algorithm to determine the best value mix for each of the 7 LEDs for any desired color.

    Instead of using HSL or RGB, as I initially requested, they worked with the CIE 1931 colorspace, which BTW showed up being more interesting... (in particular being able to use the "line of black bodies" was very helpful to match other fixtures colors, such as neon tubes or incandescent bulbs...) 

    I haven't asked what is the publicity of all this, but I can.

    There will also be an online publication reporting this work process in about one month. I can post the link here if anyone is interested.



  • Hi and thanks to both of you for your answers !

    Well, yes and no, I have found answers to these questions:

    I didn't find any ready-made scheme or anything. And finding values for each gel (as in the iPhone app you mention, or with the Excel spreadsheets ETC provides) wasn't useful for me, because I didn't want to work in this way, but rather in a more intuitive manner, by picking colors visually. 

    So, as we had a collaboration with a research center around this project, I asked them to analyze the spectrum of each LED of the fixture.

    Which they did, and then they developed an algorithm to determine the best value mix for each of the 7 LEDs for any desired color.

    Instead of using HSL or RGB, as I initially requested, they worked with the CIE 1931 colorspace, which BTW showed up being more interesting... (in particular being able to use the "line of black bodies" was very helpful to match other fixtures colors, such as neon tubes or incandescent bulbs...) 

    I haven't asked what is the publicity of all this, but I can.

    There will also be an online publication reporting this work process in about one month. I can post the link here if anyone is interested.



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