Color control on Selador Lustr

Hi there !

I'm currently working on the design of a light control system for a theatre show controlling a bunch of Selador fixtures, based on the MaxMSP software, through a DMX interface (LanBox).

What I want to achieve is a more intuitive and gestural control of the colors than the 7 values of individual colors. I have made a stub of control system based on HSL, that converts these 3 parameters to the 7 color values. This allows me, e.g. to control the color of the fixture with a graphic tablet, or in interaction with sound, stage gesture, or whatever else able to feed my software...

Though, the maths have been made in a *very* empirical way, and I was wondering if there were any "official" (or unofficial) calculations, formulas, or charts to convert from RGB and/or HSL to the selador scheme ?

Also, if spectrum charts (e.g. wavelength/intensity) were available for each color of the fixtures, I would be very interested to have a look on them...


Hint on this, anyone ?

BTW, was my description of the problem clear enough ?




Pascal Baltazar

Intermedia Composer, France

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