LED retrofit kit keeps turning off

We have six 4WRD conversations in our church sanctuary and we have one problem child I'm trying to fix. Our fourth fixture keeps turning off and givng a three digit error code. I think its either "GTP" or "dFG". If I give it a 0% intensity by itself and then 100% it will reset for a time but once a new cue is fired it may turn off. All of the cues work perfectly during programming but at show time it randomly errors out again.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • Sorry to hear about your Source 4WRD. The error is likely OTP, for overtemp, and there isn't anything you'll be able to do to resolve that on your own. I'll email you with a notification number and to talk over a couple of options to get your 4WRD back to a working state.
  • I realize this post is 7 years old, but we are (have been) experiencing the same OtP issues with a couple of our Source 4WRD units. We didn't realize the problem was overtemp until this past week when we were doing some refocus/maintenance on them. We had always assumed it was a power issue. Any way, 4 of our 12 units were purchased a year or so before the others and it seems like those are the ones with this issue. We currently have 2 that flip to OtP immediately, 1 that occasionally flips, and 1 that seems to be behaving fine. We also have a different SFWD unit that is broken in a different way. I didn't see many options for contacting support, so I figured I would try this forum. 

  • I realize this post is 7 years old, but we are (have been) experiencing the same OtP issues with a couple of our Source 4WRD units. We didn't realize the problem was overtemp until this past week when we were doing some refocus/maintenance on them. We had always assumed it was a power issue. Any way, 4 of our 12 units were purchased a year or so before the others and it seems like those are the ones with this issue. We currently have 2 that flip to OtP immediately, 1 that occasionally flips, and 1 that seems to be behaving fine. We also have a different SFWD unit that is broken in a different way. I didn't see many options for contacting support, so I figured I would try this forum. 

  • This has always happened to me upon first powering up some Source 4WRDs from a preset that brings stagelight to Full.

    If I fade the trouble fixtures up to 100% over a longer time period, say up to 80% for 5 minutes and then any brightness after that, I don't get the overtemp error and loss of light.

    My assumption is the cooling system isn't starting up right away after the electronics go to sleep. So the slow warm up period allows the cooling system to startup before the element overheats and the sensor tells the fixture to shutdown. 

    They advertise the source 4wrd as having an advanced heatpipe system. I've read reports that it's essentially an ultrasonic membrane that pushes liquid through the LED element through pipes into a radiator, which is why they say it must come up to room temperature if exposed to freezing conditions. 

    Then I also found this article saying there were issues with early models having cooling problems due to a faulty part. http://www.lightingandsoundamerica.com/news/story.asp?ID=-R5LDZN

    I think I was an early adopter and may have one of the troubled fixtures, but am far past any warranty period for replacement, so I deal. 
