Mix 3 and 4 Outputs?

Just wondering what the function/purpose for Mix 3 and 4? In other words how do you get to their output. Artnet?

If you put a second video card in your GG and/or a ICB in your rack could you have 4 seperate outputs? Thanks.

Travis Slyter
Ruehling Associates, Inc.
  • [QUOTE=tbslyter]My question about outputs & multiple graphics cards doesn't stem from LED fixtures or walls, but from projectors and DL-1s. We've told a lot of customers about the features in 4.0 and almost immediately they ask "With 10 layers and 4 mixes can you drive 4 sperate outputs?" It seems that this is a reasonable question and from a hardware standpoint the solution seems pretty simple, just add another video card and possibly another CIB (don't know if that would be neccessary or not.) But the question is will the software support 4 sperate outputs? It would seem as the layers and mix increase in Catalyst that demand for driving more outputs will also increase as it would allow catalyst to feed more destinations like say 4 DL-1s. So what are the limitations with that?

    Travis Slyter
    Ruehling Associates, Inc.

    no you cant just add another video card.....that is complete voodooo for now.
    apple is in the middle of yet another hardware transition. it is not possible to make any predictions as to what they may or may not support.

    some of the professional barco projectors can be programmed to take a sub-mix input, and rescale it.
    i saw a tech in france do this last year.

    also - you cannot playback 10 layers - with a normal scsi drive - you need raid arrays or an xserve raid to get more than 4 layers at standard definition.
    with smaller movies you can play more layers. at 320x240 - which is ok for many video walls it works a lot better.
  • [QUOTE=tbslyter]My question about outputs & multiple graphics cards doesn't stem from LED fixtures or walls, but from projectors and DL-1s. We've told a lot of customers about the features in 4.0 and almost immediately they ask "With 10 layers and 4 mixes can you drive 4 sperate outputs?" It seems that this is a reasonable question and from a hardware standpoint the solution seems pretty simple, just add another video card and possibly another CIB (don't know if that would be neccessary or not.) But the question is will the software support 4 sperate outputs? It would seem as the layers and mix increase in Catalyst that demand for driving more outputs will also increase as it would allow catalyst to feed more destinations like say 4 DL-1s. So what are the limitations with that?

    Travis Slyter
    Ruehling Associates, Inc.

    no you cant just add another video card.....that is complete voodooo for now.
    apple is in the middle of yet another hardware transition. it is not possible to make any predictions as to what they may or may not support.

    some of the professional barco projectors can be programmed to take a sub-mix input, and rescale it.
    i saw a tech in france do this last year.

    also - you cannot playback 10 layers - with a normal scsi drive - you need raid arrays or an xserve raid to get more than 4 layers at standard definition.
    with smaller movies you can play more layers. at 320x240 - which is ok for many video walls it works a lot better.
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