Mix 3 and 4 Outputs?

Just wondering what the function/purpose for Mix 3 and 4? In other words how do you get to their output. Artnet?

If you put a second video card in your GG and/or a ICB in your rack could you have 4 seperate outputs? Thanks.

Travis Slyter
Ruehling Associates, Inc.
  • From what I understand...Sub mix 3 and 4 are for preview. You can also use them for LED fixtures through Artnet.

  • many many led video wall products ( not led dmx fixtures ) and projectors including barco projectors can be setup to only display part of the screen.

    on several shows last year i had 5 'video' outputs running as submixes to low resolution video walls.
    On several shows last year - i had versions of software with 6 sub-mixes at the same time

    the barco led wall - i think they are called d320 - screen processors can be programmed to display any part video input signal in any part of the video wall.

    led screens run at quite low resolution the dot pitch is normally between 6mm and 10mm.

    to use the sub-mixes you set up to video system to only display the submix.

    you can also use a folsom image pro-hd - to cut up the image and send each submix to an sdi output.
    i also did this on several shows last year.

    you can run a single output screen at 1280x1024 or even 1600x1200 - and get 4 standard definition video outputs using a folsom image pro-hd to cut up the dvi input into 4 standard definition sdi outputs.

    not only that but many video walls used in rocknroll touring are not in a 4:3 aspect ratio - but are long or thin.
    the sub-mix mean you can have the output mix the exact shape you need for your led wall.
  • devices that only take a small area of the video signal and map them:

    element labs -


    it probably clearer in this image.
    clearly here the number of pixels in the video image is only 80x40.


    you do not send a full resolution video signal into this kindof thing - its a total waste.
    instead you get 1:1 pixel mapping between the video image in catalyst and the output device.

    barco mipix.


    barco d320:


    this is how many of the larger touring shows are done
  • [QUOTE=Stiney3]From what I understand...Sub mix 3 and 4 are for preview. You can also use them for LED fixtures through Artnet.


    catalyst v4 enables you to do both -

    output sub mixes to video walls and led fixtures - at the same time - using on screen sub-mixes.

    often using just a single mac display output

    you dont need to have multiple graphics cards - or even multiple dvi outputs.
  • the folsom image pro hd:


    this devices can take a huge variety of inputs, map them zoom and scale with pixel accuracy and convert them to another format.

    used them a lot last year.
  • Thanks for your reply. Let me see if I am understanding this right. Let's use an LED wall with 4 panels as an example.

    1. You go into Catalyst and map out your 4 sections of the screen and assign them to the 4 mixes.
    2. Then you assign the mixes to an output. (Either all 4 to 1 or 2 each, I am assuming that doesn't matter.)
    3. Then you program the LED video wall to correspond with the mixes so you have in a sense 4 "virtual output mixes" coming out 1 or 2 physical output connections? Then you can change material on any one of the 4 mixes and the panels can either display 1 continuous image or 4 seperate or any combination in between.

    Is that the idea?

    Travis Slyter
    Ruehling, Associates, Inc.
  • My question about outputs & multiple graphics cards doesn't stem from LED fixtures or walls, but from projectors and DL-1s. We've told a lot of customers about the features in 4.0 and almost immediately they ask "With 10 layers and 4 mixes can you drive 4 sperate outputs?" It seems that this is a reasonable question and from a hardware standpoint the solution seems pretty simple, just add another video card and possibly another CIB (don't know if that would be neccessary or not.) But the question is will the software support 4 sperate outputs? It would seem as the layers and mix increase in Catalyst that demand for driving more outputs will also increase as it would allow catalyst to feed more destinations like say 4 DL-1s. So what are the limitations with that?

    Travis Slyter
    Ruehling Associates, Inc.
  • [QUOTE=tbslyter]Thanks for your reply. Let me see if I am understanding this right. Let's use an LED wall with 4 panels as an example.

    1. You go into Catalyst and map out your 4 sections of the screen and assign them to the 4 mixes.
    2. Then you assign the mixes to an output. (Either all 4 to 1 or 2 each, I am assuming that doesn't matter.)
    3. Then you program the LED video wall to correspond with the mixes so you have in a sense 4 "virtual output mixes" coming out 1 or 2 physical output connections? Then you can change material on any one of the 4 mixes and the panels can either display 1 continuous image or 4 seperate or any combination in between.

    Is that the idea?

    Travis Slyter
    Ruehling, Associates, Inc.

    you can treat each separate area independantly
  • [QUOTE=tbslyter]My question about outputs & multiple graphics cards doesn't stem from LED fixtures or walls, but from projectors and DL-1s. We've told a lot of customers about the features in 4.0 and almost immediately they ask "With 10 layers and 4 mixes can you drive 4 sperate outputs?" It seems that this is a reasonable question and from a hardware standpoint the solution seems pretty simple, just add another video card and possibly another CIB (don't know if that would be neccessary or not.) But the question is will the software support 4 sperate outputs? It would seem as the layers and mix increase in Catalyst that demand for driving more outputs will also increase as it would allow catalyst to feed more destinations like say 4 DL-1s. So what are the limitations with that?

    Travis Slyter
    Ruehling Associates, Inc.

    no you cant just add another video card.....that is complete voodooo for now.
    apple is in the middle of yet another hardware transition. it is not possible to make any predictions as to what they may or may not support.

    some of the professional barco projectors can be programmed to take a sub-mix input, and rescale it.
    i saw a tech in france do this last year.

    also - you cannot playback 10 layers - with a normal scsi drive - you need raid arrays or an xserve raid to get more than 4 layers at standard definition.
    with smaller movies you can play more layers. at 320x240 - which is ok for many video walls it works a lot better.
  • [QUOTE=developer]

    also - you cannot playback 10 layers - with a normal scsi drive - you need raid arrays or an xserve raid to get more than 4 layers at standard definition.
    with smaller movies you can play more layers. at 320x240 - which is ok for many video walls it works a lot better.

    Are the SCSI drives to slow to keep up with 10 layers of video playback?