sub mixes

Does any body know if we could have presets of sub mixes.

What I would like to do is be able to change mixes quickly without going through all the layers individually
  • I don't think that is an option. The only information that can be saved is that information on each preset parameter. You can snap shot all layers or all layers that are currently active though. Maybe that can speed things up for you. This is found in the library: presets, open preset parameters and open your commands drop down menu. Can be found in full screen mode as well.

    Leah Durrett
  • Thank Leah,
    Yea I know about snapshots etc

    I am running 2 outputs via a Grand Ma with 4 layers specifically for 1 output (mix 1), and another 4 layers for the 2nd output (mix 2) and have layers 9 and 10 overriding on both mixes.

    This works very well indeed for almost all our needs, but of course we found that we need 1 application where we need to change the set up for 1 song quickly so that we could use 6 layers instead of 4 going to Mix 1.

    I was wondering if we could possibly have like "scenes" of sub mixes which we could have like snapshots but for the sub mixes that we could change from the desk end or maybe the keyboard end and not from the front end panel.

    We have the facility to turn layers off and on from the front end, but we have to do this manually and sometimes I do not want to go back into the setup.

    I know that V4 has 12 layers but with pixel outputs etc, this will take up allocations as well.

  • This is a task. Maybe I can ask some question, or get someone to listen in on your situation. At the time though, I am not sure if this is possible with the set up you have.

    Leah Durrett
  • Thanks Leah,

    I am actually running Mix 1 to output 1 and Mix 2 to output 2, so therefore I do not have a "preview" as such to run all the Layers and Libraries etc

    I am very sure it is not possible to do in current V4 anywhere, but maybe soon down the line, some how?

  • I don't think the preview windows will be implemented again. As I understand, V4 is designed to work in fullscreen mode. If you want to make suggestions for Catalyst cababilities, I would suggest

    and this thread...
  • Sorry Leah,

    I did not mean the little 12 squares preview, they I imagine will be long gone, but when in full screen mode, I mean seeing the layers, libraries, color fx, visual fx and pixel mapping windows.
    This is where we would change our mix combinations, if I had to.
    Because I run both outputs to LED walls of some sort, I cannot have this info up during show mode.

    At the moment I toggle between Fullscreen info off and on. "Q" and "W" for example

    thanks for your help and I hope Richard sees this thread too
    If you need to ask me more questions, please do

  • [QUOTE=alex saad]Does any body know if we could have presets of sub mixes.

    What I would like to do is be able to change mixes quickly without going through all the layers individually

    it has been on my list of things to do for a while.
    It needs to be controllable from dmx and from the presets.
  • [quote=alex saad]Thank Leah,

    I know that V4 has 12 layers but with pixel outputs etc, this will take up allocations as well.


    With V4 you could acutally have layers 11 & 12 mapped to go on either output. Essentially, you could map all of your layers to output onto a single mix. Just need to enable that layer to output on whatever mix you want, including your main outputs (not the ones going over artnet).