Screen Resolutions for Cat 4.0

Very simple questions...
What video Card is used for HD on V4?
Is v4 a true 1080p HD?
How can I get my v4 to run 1080p HD?
Isn't the highest rez on the HES specified video card 1600 x 1024 (1600 x 900 for wide aspect)?
  • What video Card is used for HD on V4?
    We are using a new MacPro with a X1900,

    Is v4 a true 1080p HD?
    yes, we can play 2048 X 2048, what make 1920 X 1080 without a problem, the thing is the Hardware set up, specialy the Hard Drives, we use a RAID 0 system here in Brasil to play HD content, and even with that, to play various videos simultaniously, we need to put a hard compression on them.

    How can I get my v4 to run 1080p HD?
    We use here a MacPro ATI X1900 RAID0 3HDs for content 1 HD for system.

    Isn't the highest rez on the HES specified video card 1600 x 1024 (1600 x 900 for wide aspect)?[
    The problem on the OUT rez is where you will be playing that, since is kind of rare a real HD1080p projectors or so...

    Hope that help
  • What video Card is used for HD on V4?
    We are using a new MacPro with a X1900,

    Is v4 a true 1080p HD?
    yes, we can play 2048 X 2048, what make 1920 X 1080 without a problem, the thing is the Hardware set up, specialy the Hard Drives, we use a RAID 0 system here in Brasil to play HD content, and even with that, to play various videos simultaniously, we need to put a hard compression on them.

    How can I get my v4 to run 1080p HD?
    We use here a MacPro ATI X1900 RAID0 3HDs for content 1 HD for system.

    Isn't the highest rez on the HES specified video card 1600 x 1024 (1600 x 900 for wide aspect)?[
    The problem on the OUT rez is where you will be playing that, since is kind of rare a real HD1080p projectors or so...

    Hope that help
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