Updating Software on 4 Port Gateways

I'm trying to update the software on some 4 port gateways to

The venue has UpdaterAtor on it's lighting networked PC but this PC isn't connected to the World Wide Web (which I think is a good idea).

Can I not download the Gateway software on my Mac and then load it into UpdaterAtor via a stick?

I don't know if this is a UpdaterAtor problem or a website problem because I can't find the software.

It's a real shame UpdaterAtor and Concert are only available on PC when a large number of theatre professions are on Mac's.

  • updaterator dumps the various software files in c:\etc\nodesbin. if you have another (online) pc, you can transfer it to the quarantined pc
  • I don't believe there are any immediate plans for expanded mac support. But we'll see.

    With regards transferring from an online pc, Updaterator has a "save for console" button. This takes all the latest firmwares and creates a console compatible install that can also be used on isolated PCs.

    If your still struggling on Monday let Tech support know and we can email you the firmware file.

  • Thanks Marcus
    And Thanks a lot Ueli

    Ueli sent me the file via a email which I transferred from my Mac to the theatres PC.

    It would be better if these file were just available to download from the site and then transfer by USB. Also I don't think it was clear anywhere in the documentation that Updaterator needs to be connected to the internet. I did spend a good hour on Saturday on the website and scanning the Quickguide but it wasn't over clear.

    Thanks again both.
  • Thanks Marcus
    And Thanks a lot Ueli

    Ueli sent me the file via a email which I transferred from my Mac to the theatres PC.

    It would be better if these file were just available to download from the site and then transfer by USB. Also I don't think it was clear anywhere in the documentation that Updaterator needs to be connected to the internet. I did spend a good hour on Saturday on the website and scanning the Quickguide but it wasn't over clear.

    Thanks again both.
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