New to Concert

I am trying to use Concert for the first time. I have figured out the basics of getting my PC connected and getting the network mapped through trial and error. All I really want to be able to do at this point is make changes to my dimmer racks (such as Firing Mode). I double click the dimmer rack to open the edit window. I can select the dimmers I want and change them to Dimmer Doubled. I click the Apply Changes button at the bottom right. I then right-click the rack and select Send Device Configuration from the context menu, press OK at the prompt. It acts as if if has done it, but the dimmers are not in fact doubled. Both A and B come up when I bring up the address. I confirmed at the rack that it is indeed not doubled. So what did I do wrong? How do I get my edits to the CEM?



Parents Reply
  • I don't think I am in Live Edit mode. As far as I can tell, I can't even open the rack edit window when in Live Edit mode.

    It may be helpful to note that when I open the rack editing window, the firing mode of the dimmers does not reflect what is in the CEM. And I have "received configuration" from the CEM.
