turn off Hold DMX on Net 3 gateway


I'm looking in to getting a Net3 gateway. but want to know if you can turn of Hold DMX on separate universes.

We have a device that takes control of 2 universes (out of the 4 we have) when the console stop sending dmx. (turns of).

Now we have another brand on the gateway and it holds DMX, and then the device that are supposed to take over don't do it.

I have worked around that now by using the direct out on the CongoJR, but would like to skip the cables. 

So, before I get my self a Net3 Gateway I want to know if it can turn it off. 

Thanks, J

  • Howdy Jolsson,

    you can enable/disable Hold Last Look for DMX on a Per Port Basis. You can download for free our Net3 Concert

    Software and see all the exciting Settings that can be made online or offline on a Net3 DMX Gateway:

    Download here:

    Have fun!

  • Hej there,

    can I just use this thread to learn a bit about the config for the data loss behaviour?
    In my case the config looks exactly as the picture above but I´m not 100% sure if I get everything right.
    So how do these checkboxes interact with each other? ´cause I would think there´s a conflict between hold last look forever and port disable. So is it the case that the hold last look forever will overrule the other checkboxes or do I have to uncheck the port disable to make shure I have a hold forever?

    And under advanced I have the field: source-specific hold last look time
    How will this affect my dataloss/hold behaviour and what source is it related to?

    I´d be gratefull about some clarification as I can´t find something about these settings in the manual and don´t have time for trial and error right now...

    Cheers Paule

  • Hej there,

    can I just use this thread to learn a bit about the config for the data loss behaviour?
    In my case the config looks exactly as the picture above but I´m not 100% sure if I get everything right.
    So how do these checkboxes interact with each other? ´cause I would think there´s a conflict between hold last look forever and port disable. So is it the case that the hold last look forever will overrule the other checkboxes or do I have to uncheck the port disable to make shure I have a hold forever?

    And under advanced I have the field: source-specific hold last look time
    How will this affect my dataloss/hold behaviour and what source is it related to?

    I´d be gratefull about some clarification as I can´t find something about these settings in the manual and don´t have time for trial and error right now...

    Cheers Paule
