Configuring a 3rd party sACN node that does not have DHCP

So I'm setting up my Nomad system here (thank you, ETC, for the student bundle). My system has three universes going out, so the Gadget is not enough for me to control my entire system if I have anything on the deck that needs data. So I have this four universe sACN node that I got from China, and I have the network configured properly, at least between my machine and the node, as I can ping it from command prompt, but not from the Nomad software. I have sACN enabled on my LAN, but DHCP is not an option, as this quality node only supports a static IP.

What I need to know is whether or not it is even possible to use this sACN node with the Nomad software if I am unable to have it give the node an address over DHCP. I've been searching all over manuals and the shell trying to find an option somewhere to actually tell the console what this device's IP address is.

Thank you.

  • you don't need the node's address to send sACN data to it. but you need a connection that let's the data pass through (i'm looking at you, wrong configured managed switch...)
  • but are you're aware, that the nomad license dongle included in the student package only lets you output 512 addresses? that doesn't mean they all have to be on universe 1, you can distribute them freely. if you use 200 addresses on universe 1 and another 200 on universe 2, then you still have 112 addresses left to use somewhere else, e.g. on your universe 3.
    if you patch more channels than what your license allows you, you will get a red message above the command line in patch.

    another thing to get sACN running: you need to activate sACN as a protocol in the shell. for ease of mind make this protocol also the standard (checkbox). make sure that nomad uses the correct network interface (if you have wifi and LAN...). in patch, make sure that the channels say "Standard" or "DMX, sACN" in the Interface field.
  • If you can ping the node from the same machine you have installed Nomad on then it should work. 

    You might want to check the sACN settings in the shell. Firstly make sure it's turned on and set as default. The node probably supports Release, so make sure that's set.

    How is it connected?

  • I switched it to Release in the shell. It was not set there by default. That seems to have solved my problems. Thank you, everyone, for all the help!