sacn universe and multicast port

Good morning everyone, I'm now getting into the ACN world and I need clarification.

In the SACN protocol there is the term UNIVERSE which indicates, from what I understand, the universe to which the 512 DMX channels that are sent belong.

Now I have set the multicast address to and transmit the universe number 1 without problems.However, I also sent other universes to the same address, there too without problems.

I checked with SACN View where both unviverses and channels were activated or not ,and everything is fine.

On the ETC website, on the SACN MULTICAST CALCULATOR page I read that if I want to transmit universe 1, I have to use the address x.x.0.1 while if I want to transmit, for example universe 5, I have to use the address x.x.0.5.

In my tests I transmitted on the same address, both universes different from the calculated one (example universe 4 on address and even more universes (example uni1,2,3,4 on address without problems.

Using sacnview I read all configurations correctly.

My question is: why do I have to use universe>address correspondence? Am I obligated to use it? can I transmit multiple universes on the same address? does the term UNIVERSE... have two different meanings?

thanks to anyone who can clarify the concept for me.

