Net3 AIP and sACNview

Hello everyone,

As I am putting together a small network of 6 four ports gateways I had strange result witch AIP and sACNwiew reading.  First my gateways version is v3.1.0, my GCE is v2.0.1 and I got v1.2.0 of sACNview. When using an AIP, unused channels on a sacn universe show flickers on sACNview. For example: PORT1 AIP (IN)1 thru 480 Patch at 1/1 thru 1/480 and (IN)481 Patch at 2/1. On sACNview if I look on universe 1, Ch 1 thru 480 reflect what is on my input but Ch 480 thru 513 show flickering, same witch universe 2 Ch 2 thru 512 show strange things. The fun part of it is if I check the output of universe 1 or 2 on a DMX out of a node it seem stable. So my thoughts is if something on the ACN network can disturb sACNview, it maybe can also disturb others part of the network (console, paradimg etc…). 

  • Hi Serge -

    I think you don't need to worry. I believe the problem is only within the sACN View program and not really on the network. I say this because I saw exactly the same thing on a large project last year with a large AIP. We determined that it was a display bug, and not really noise. Having said that, though, I await the reply from someone with more knowledge on the exact problem. :-)

    Thanks much -



  • Hello Sarah,

    This morning I was able to do another test with a simple setup: just 1 four ports ACN gateway. Port #1 as an AIP input the remaining as output sACN1-sACN2-sACN3. My AIP is 1 thru 10 patch at 1/1 thru 1/10 and 11 thru 20 patch at 2/1 thru 2/10. I can see the same result, sACN1 show 1 thru 10 correctly but the rest... wowww, same with sACN2. And as you are moving level on the input it usually getting worst. I could be something wrong with sACNview display but my feeling is that some gremlins are traveling in my cat 5e J.


  • Hi Serge,

    I am the author of sACNView. I just tried this here and it is indeed a bug in sACNView itself. I have checked the network output from the gateway and it is correct.

    I will work on it and post here when there is a new version available which fixes the problem.


    Sorry! No gremlins in your Cat 5, just in my program :-)




  • Hi Tom,

    Thanks for the info and thank you very much for sACNview. It is a very useful tool. Good workJ

  • Thanks, glad you find it useful!

    I have identified the problem, and there is a new version of sACNView now available. You can download it from :

    And click the download page link to the right.

    Let me know if you have any further problems.





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