etc network question


      we r loading in a road show. does any one know if it is possable to connect a Grandma to our etc network to get a signal from control room to onstage to there dimmers. i know i would have to turn off my rpu.

[edited by: LUMN8 at 7:05 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Nov 2 2010]
  • Possibly - best to get in contact with MA Lighting. Some MA1 desks can send EDMX (Net2), and MA2 desks can send sACN (Net3) with the more recent software versions.


  • Are you actually trying to talk to anything on your network? Or are you simply putting the MA in the control booth and wanted to control their rig from that location? If thats the case, depending on run length you could simply repatch your network cables in the equipment rack to make a homerun between the booth and the stage.

  • I have semi-successfully run MA net (between 2 GrandMA2 consoles in MA1 mode) on our ETCnet network.

    I say semi-successfully because the MA consoles could communicate but there was a lag in response when I tried to bring up our dimmers using our EOS console, but no lag when the MA brought them up (via a Net 2 input node).

    This was for a one-off event so I didn't have time to troubleshoot the lag.  I wasn't running cues on the EOS so the lag wasn't a big deal for the day.  I would have preferred to run an ethernet snake from stage to control booth and eliminate any potential conflicts, but the show didn't have the needed cable.

    Long story short- it's possible for ETC devices and MA devices to co-exist but be prepared to give yourself some troubleshooting time for networking basics like IP addresses and subnets.

    Does anyone have a reference for the type of network activity the MA consoles generate? (ports, broadcast, multicast, etc.)  I couldn't find anything online in a quick search.

