Nomad to Chauvet NetX


I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to put this question.

I am attempting to control a show from my nomad to Chauvet NetX to Chauvet Net X

I have a direct line to the first and then the next Net X is run from the previous.

The nomad recognizes the Cat5 connection. 

I have sCAN set and checked Art-Net just incase. 

I have the NetXs set to sCAN. They are both receiving signal.

When i go into a show file it shows 4 ports. I know the Net X's have 4 universes. But they're all labeled as consoles.

I cannot edit in the shell its all greyed out.

The other odd thing is I am able to get all but one line of strip lights in what is supposed to be universe 2 on. They flash on for half a second when I pull up address 1000-1100 at full.

I can only pull up the rest of the rig with weird addressing on the board side. For example what the netX thinks is 1/150+160. The nomad thinks it is address 3699+3700

I am not an expert at networking.

Could someone help explain what box I haven't checked? And any steps I have missed that is causing this issue?

  • Also. The netX is set 1to1 essentially. Universe 1 is universe 1 and so on.

    Port1-8 are set to sACN

  • First question: do you have an ETCnomad dongle so that you're starting in Primary mode?  Or are you using Offline w/Viz mode?

    I have sCAN set and checked Art-Net just incase. 

    If you know that they work with sACN, better to leave Art-Net unchecked in the Eos Nomad shell.  Otherwise, you're putting out twice as much data and possible confusing the NetX.

    When i go into a show file it shows 4 ports. I know the Net X's have 4 universes. But they're all labeled as consoles.

    I will admit that this is a confusing part of Eos.  It is meant for configuring the DMX ports on the back of an Eos lightboard.  It has no control and cannot configure your NetX's.  You'll have to look on Chauvet's site to see how to set them up (maybe a Web interface or another piece of software)

    he other odd thing is I am able to get all but one line of strip lights in what is supposed to be universe 2 on. They flash on for half a second when I pull up address 1000-1100 at full.

    Is the same thing true on both NetX's - the 2nd port on each NetX behaves the same way?

    What happens if, at Eos software, you ONLY patch addresses 513-1024?

    You might want to start a New Show, then in Patch, only address Channel 1 - 1024 to address 1 (which will automatically spread the addresses out across 1024 channels).

    Another trick: you can patch with universe - offset, so you can patch like

    Chan 1 Address 3/2 

    to put it in Universe 3, address 2 instead of 1026.  

    You can press [Data] (Ctrl-D on PC) in the Patch screen to cycle through seeing the addreses in Port/Offset mode or not.

  • Yes. I have a dongle and it is in primary mode. It's just set up for sACN as are the NetXs

    I now have complete control of everything the addresses are just odd.

    Like what was 1/155 is 3699 and what is 2/110 is 2458 its very odd.

  • in Nomad open Tab 37 (sACN Output). What does it show you in universe 8 (specifically address 115) and universe 5 (address 410)?
