• Client Config. Troubleshooting

    It's great when you can see the Primary console when trying to connect but something is wrong so it is in red, but would it be possible to build a feature that hovering or right clicking might have a suggestion or reasoning, ie.fixture lib or software...
  • Hide the Windows taskbar when Eos is running full screen

    Hi, This is not a new issue for me but one I would like to report. I am having a problem where the taskbar doesn't go away when windows goes into full screen. Is this on purpose or is it a bug? If it's not a bug then I would love this to be a feature...
  • Live Move to Groups

    • 1 Comment
    Be able to copy to or move to groups in live. The only way to do this currently is in blind group mode which pulls the console out of the programming workflow.
  • Audio-in for BPM and Sound to Lighs

  • Custom DS preview

    • Planned for Future on
    In tab 39 there are some default layouts for custom DS. I find myself using a grid that has 12 columns and a variable number of rows. Ideally i would love to be able to store several row and column layouts in place of the defaults. Alternatively being...
  • Additional Cue List Options IMO Desperately Needed

    I would love to have the following options that could be toggled on or off. * Off at 0 (Releases the cue list when fader is set to 0). * On at Go (Activates cue list when fader is lifted above 0). * Restore to first (On cue list activation, cue...
  • [IDEA] Issue tracker like on GitHub

    Hello, I find it hard to see what the development team is working on for which release and if my issue or feature request has been seen. I am assuming that the team is internally working with some kind of issue tracker - it would be awesome to have...
  • [Autment3d] Custom fixture brightness

    • Planned for Future on
    • 1 Comment
    This would be really helpful for modelling generics that are different brightnesses when their intensity is set to 100%. This would be useful e.g. for fixtures different power lamps, a 1kW lamp is obviously brighter than a 500W one.
  • Mode to Supress Target Labels While Using DS Icon Centred

    Hi There, It would be nice to have a mode that suppresses the target label on direct select when the icon is centered so you only see the icon you have assigned to it, or better yet, just suppress the labels of targets with icons and let the label show...
  • Add an activity monitor to the File Manager move/copy task in maintenance

    I may have mentioned this elsewhere, but it can be really disconcerting when copying a large number of show files not to have any indication that the task is in progress. tt2