Help with Load Reporting on Ion w/ CEM+

Can someone please help me with the steps to get my Sensor+ AF dimmers to load report to my Ion?

Here is what I've done so far.

1. Upgraded CEM+ to latest software via Updaterator

2. Ran Load recording (via web interface) on CEM+

3. Went to <Patch> in Ion and went to device list

4. <attached> my dimmers

I also made sure they AF Cards installed.

Is that right?
Now what?

Ion        v2.2.0

CEM+   v3.



Parents Reply
  • Okay, so I got it working. For some reason the ION dropped its IP address. after that I had control again. Then I had to do another Load Record from the Rack. Then finally I got Load reporting on the ION! Then we unplugged the two Fresnels we were using for testing and now I'm getting a load error on the empty dimmer even after another Load Record at the Rack... Oh well, TGIF. See ya next week.
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