Passcodes for Paradigm touch screens

I know currently the only way to change the passcode for a touch screen is through Light Designer but what happens after we leave the job site and the end user wants to change the code.

Anyone else ran into this before? Has there been and talked to somehow make is possible for the enduser to make the required changes themselves onsite without us??

  • Passcodes are a difficult topic. For many of our users it is only acceptable for someone considered an administrator to change a password, and therefore  they desire that only a person with LightDesigner can change them. This is true of the majority of customers with large venues, performing arts centers, Theme Parks, convention centers and the like. The flip side is that other customers want to change them frequently, or as staff changes over.

    This post is the first time I've really heard any major concerns that are troubling end-users and causing issues in the field.  We will certainly discuss this further and look into some possible solutions, however they are not likely top happen immediately . We have a very full development plan for Paradigm currently, and any changes we make here may not be as simple s they seem on the surface.

    In the mean time, I would remind everyone that that the passcodes can be easily changed by a technician not on site. The end-user can save the configuration from  processor and email it to you or TS here in Middleton. The passcodes can be changed and emailed back, and then loaded into the processor. This may not be an ideal situation, but it does eliminate the need for an end-user to use LD (and also CD to make these changes). The only issue would be touchscreens over LinkConnect. Becaause this change is actually part of the Touchscreen configuration in ContorlDesigner the configuration would need to download to the touchscreen, and as we know this can take some time over LinkConnect.


  • Passcodes are a difficult topic. For many of our users it is only acceptable for someone considered an administrator to change a password, and therefore  they desire that only a person with LightDesigner can change them. This is true of the majority of customers with large venues, performing arts centers, Theme Parks, convention centers and the like. The flip side is that other customers want to change them frequently, or as staff changes over.

    This post is the first time I've really heard any major concerns that are troubling end-users and causing issues in the field.  We will certainly discuss this further and look into some possible solutions, however they are not likely top happen immediately . We have a very full development plan for Paradigm currently, and any changes we make here may not be as simple s they seem on the surface.

    In the mean time, I would remind everyone that that the passcodes can be easily changed by a technician not on site. The end-user can save the configuration from  processor and email it to you or TS here in Middleton. The passcodes can be changed and emailed back, and then loaded into the processor. This may not be an ideal situation, but it does eliminate the need for an end-user to use LD (and also CD to make these changes). The only issue would be touchscreens over LinkConnect. Becaause this change is actually part of the Touchscreen configuration in ContorlDesigner the configuration would need to download to the touchscreen, and as we know this can take some time over LinkConnect.

