specification repair manual.

We need to repair our ETC dimmer packs, it make a hissing sound before it reach the maximum load then trip the main breaker. We need spare parts and a spec repair manual. I need help

  • Hi Calvin -

    We generally only give out repair documentation to trained ETC Authorized Service Partners, because

    without the proper product training, you could break the equipment even more.

    Are you an end-user or a dealer?

    Just send this request to Service (a-t-) etcconnect (d--ot-) com with your complete customer Information,

    and you will get an answer back.

    What Kind of ETC Dimmer is it exactly? You have a Part Number and Serial Number?


  • Hi Calvin -

    We generally only give out repair documentation to trained ETC Authorized Service Partners, because

    without the proper product training, you could break the equipment even more.

    Are you an end-user or a dealer?

    Just send this request to Service (a-t-) etcconnect (d--ot-) com with your complete customer Information,

    and you will get an answer back.

    What Kind of ETC Dimmer is it exactly? You have a Part Number and Serial Number?


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