Nic Picker

I love how the ETC applications have a NIC picker associated with them - in that you can specifically assign a network interface for the program to communicate through.


Does anyone know of an overall Nic Picker for windows?  One where you can route specifc programs to specific network interface cards?


IE lets say I want to be connected via the hardline card to my Paradigm system but wanted my email and web browsing to go only to my wireless connection...  Does something like this exist?



  • I have three NIC's on my computer, one does internet and office network, another is ETCNet, and another is Hognet. I've learned that windows will route the appropriate traffic to the appropriate port if you only enter a gateway for the internet NIC and leave the others blank. For the other two I just have a static IP address and a subnet mask. 


    The Internet NIC is in the 192.168.1.*** range

    The ETC NIC is in the 10.101.101.*** range

    The Hognet NIC is in the 172.31.0.*** range

    I can go into IE and type in a web address and then type in which is one of the dimmer racks, windows switches seamlessly to the other NIC card to communicate.

  • For working in the field I recommend Free IP Switcher.  You can get this exe from  What I like about it is you can setup your network configs once, then select your network card and assign the parameters that you desire.  This works perfect with Laptops without adding an additional NIC.




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