Windows 7

Hi all,

I also serve as the IT department here at Cross Light and would like to pose a question.  Has anyone with ETC software obtained a Windows 7 beta?  and if so, how is it working out?  I have no current plans to upgrade our offices, but I'd also like to be able to plan for it when it does come.

  • Hello all!


    So I just upgraded my computer to a windows 7 64 bit machine. The issue I'm having is getting smartsoft to see my smartfade 2496. I have confirmed that both my PC and the console are running the same software version and can confirm the drivers are installed. I was wondering if anyone else has ran into this problem and what  they did to fix it? I was reading that windows 7 isn't supported as of yet so I am sure that's all it is, but it doesn't hurt to double  check! Thanks in advance!



  • Hi John -

    The problem is that you are running 64-bit Windows (Vista or Win 7, neither 64-bit version is supported). The driver for SmartSoft to communicate with the console is only a 32-bit driver and will not work in 64-bit operating systems. We are working on getting a 64-bit version made, but I don't have any date for you yet.


    Thanks -



  • Hi John -

    The problem is that you are running 64-bit Windows (Vista or Win 7, neither 64-bit version is supported). The driver for SmartSoft to communicate with the console is only a 32-bit driver and will not work in 64-bit operating systems. We are working on getting a 64-bit version made, but I don't have any date for you yet.


    Thanks -


