Unison Programming



We have a Unison (not paradigm) system controlling *some* of our lobby lights.  The rest of the lights are switched and are on ballasts.  I would like to be able to flicker the house lights to signal the patrons to re-enter the theater.  The problem is, if I use the switched lights, the ballasts won't let them come on until they cool down...10-15 minutes.  Is it possible to control the unison lobby lights and run a macro or something to flicker or flash those lights.


Thanks and I appreciate the help!


  • Hi Pat,

    Do you own a copy of Light Manager?  If so, the solution is to build a macro that flashes the lights x number of times and place it on a button.

    If you don't own a copy of Light Manager, you might have to contact your local dealer and get them to help you out.

    Good luck!


  • Pat,

    The desired functionality is possible with your Unison system. This would require some programming and assumes you have at least one control station you wish to activate the function from. TO best determine what is require I would recommend you contact Technical Services at 800-688-4116

    Bryan Palmer

    Architectural Product Manager, ETC

  • Thanks Brian and Chris,


    I might have a copy of light manager...I'll give that a try then if all else fails, I'll call tech support!


    Thanks again,

  • Just remember, Light Manager is a very powerful program and with it comes a big opportunity to screw up a lot.

    I always recommend that people keep a "ground zero" copy of the config.  In other words, immediately, before you make ANY changes, save the file as a new name, leaving the original in tact in case things get totally screwed up, then you always have a known good config to fall back to.

    Good luck!

