Unison dimming and upper voltage output limiting

Hi All,

Is it possible to set an upper limit on the output voltage from a Unison dimmer. The voltage here is a little hot (was peaking at around 262V, has been tapped down on the supply transformer and is more like 244V) and we are getting through a ridiculous number of PAR30 house lights (box of 200 bought last week, nearly half gone already).

There is a restricted section within the Unison menu, but before starting the long, depressing and possibly ultimately fruitless trudge down the original installer dirt track I thought that I would enquire of the collective knowledge of ETC online community.



  •   Hello

    In looking at your post it looks like you are referring to unison paradigm, (because you are talking about restricted menu) if this is true, first thing I would do is back up the arch config and the dimming config in file operations onto an usb stick or sd card.  This will give you something to go back to if there is a problem.  In the dimmer set up section there is a max scale voltage you will have to go in dimmer by dimmer and set them lower.  This will restrict the voltage going to the lamps.

  • jonathanhill said:
    The voltage here is a little hot (was peaking at around 262V, has been tapped down on the supply transformer and is more like 244V)


    ssteele is correct about config settings. I have questions about your system in reguards to the issue might be a failing supply transformer or just a name plat vs actual readings.

    is the  244V is name plate or actual reading? If actual reading; take a measurement from else where in the electrical system before your dimmers. Your looking for 'normal' differance between nameplate reading and actual measurements.

    I assume 262V is an actual reading, correct?
