Echo Access and Echo Touch


I have a Echo touch, this is directly connected to my Echo Access. 

The problem is that if i connect to my Access, there is no spaces found to control. 

Is there something i forget? 

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  • 24VDC Connection on EchoTouch should not be connected to ECHOConnect connection on EchoAccess Station. 

    24VDC Aux power is one type of connection and can only be connected to other 24VDC Aux Power connections - these need to be then connected to a 24VDC Power supply.

    EchoConnect Bus is another type of connection and can only be connected with other EchoConnect connections - these then need to be connected to a separate official ETC EchoConnect Data Bus power supply. 

    Please review the EchoTouch, EchoAccess and Echopower Supply Installlation Guides.
