Tap Mode Fade Time


I'm new on the CS20 with LED PAR (RGB) and found the tap mode.

When I save a playback sequence with fade in and fade out each 0 seconds (no fade) and press the tap button plus the flash button then I have a fade effect from one step to the next. This setting is there until I restart the console. After the restart the fade effect is away (as wanted). After I press the tap button + flash button again I have the same effect as before.

Is this a bug or a feature? I want to edit the speed of my own chase with the tap button but without a fade effect.

I hope you can help me because this is not very nice and I'm thinking about my money back guarantee.

Thanks in advance.


  • Hi Jan,

    did you find a solution for your problem or did you get your money back? I am experiencing the same problem. Assuming this is not fixable, this console is terrible for doing lights in a live situation. I have to use chases that are either bpm-wise on time and therefore fade, or chases that do NOT fade and are out of controll because i cannot tap sync the bpm.


  • Hi Tim,

    No I have to say that I didn't find any solution for this problem. It was a no go for using it live. Another problem was that I had several software crashes which forces me to reboot the console. What will happen when this happens while a live gig?

    This is the reason why I sent it back and got my money back.

    This is the only thing that I can say to you, sorry.
    Currently this console is not usable while it is in a like beta status :-(

    In the future I think I will change to grand ma on pc
  • Hi Jan,

    Ok... thanks for helping me save time :-)

    I only have to use that console as an external operator, so it won't be such a big deal for me.

    Yeah, grandMA onpc is definitly better in my opinion.

    Thanks again for your REALLY fast reply!
  • Hi Tim,

    Sorry to hear about your problems. Did you report any of the crashes to ETC? There are log files that can be sent in for analyzis. We are not aware of any crashing issues. I assume that you are running software version 1.1.0, right?

    ColorSource software developer
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