New versions in progress ?

Is there no more new version going after the 2.5 ?
I do not see any beta version anymore !

Because I just made a show with version 2.5. There are still some blocking points.
- The effects (including colors) work poorly, often it is necessary to restart the console to achieve our goals.
- when you want to immobilize a projector by switching from one cue to the next, just select it: it's good. Except it works for intensity and color, but NOT for position and zoom.
- we are still waiting for a version of Personnality editor, since the current one has problems of color rendering (projector and selection button)

- when replacing a device with another device in the patch. Would there be a way to reset channels other than (pan tilt, color, zoom) in all CUEs?


Parents Reply
  • There is a problem in v2.5 with low intensities of direct emitter data that we have talked about separately. This is fixed in v2.6. Running with v2.6, I can fix the intensity and use Update Live Cue to re-record it. After that, it will play back correctly. So this specific problem is already fixed with v2.6.  
