fixture request: v show s716 Goku. I tried to make a fixture profile but it didnt work S716-Goku.pdf
fixture request: v show s716 Goku. I tried to make a fixture profile but it didnt work S716-Goku.pdf
trying to get these in a show in two weeks. I believe the problem is the 16 bit dimming of the instrument. If anyone has success writing a profile for a similar instrument, please send tips? I ve tried a few profiles in the personality editor but no sucess
Hello Derek Woods would you be willing to share your profile so that we can have a look at it? Also, which version of ColorSource console and Profile Editor are you using? If you are using ColorSource v3.2+, you will want to use the ColorSource Personality Editor v3.2.0, available to download here: ColorSource Consoles
It seems like these should be the right settings for 16-bit dimming of this fixture
I notice that parameter 8 is Strobe, and it defaults to "closure" (closed, I'm guessing). You may want to try setting the Home value to one of the Open ranges (DMX 105 or 210) to see if that makes the light come on.
Thank Matt-Happy New Year! I am on latest firmware and editor. I will try the strobe setting and report back
It definitely looks like Strobe being Closed could be the issue for you. The intensity parameter looks like it is set up correctly.
So, I would suggest changing the Home value for Strobe from 0 to 105 or 210.
Hi Matt- the strobe was definitely the issue on the profile. I changed it to 104 and now it is turning on. It's been handling programming pretty well, however it doesn't keep the programming values when we power up. Wow have to keep resetting and refocusing the cue and eventually its fine. Can you review the profile and see if there's anything to adjust in the pant tilt and focus? Thanks!!!
Hi Matt- the strobe was definitely the issue on the profile. I changed it to 104 and now it is turning on. It's been handling programming pretty well, however it doesn't keep the programming values when we power up. Wow have to keep resetting and refocusing the cue and eventually its fine. Can you review the profile and see if there's anything to adjust in the pant tilt and focus? Thanks!!!
Hello Derek,
The parameters' values look right.
If you Hibernate your console (leave it plugged in, but in "sleep mode") then when you press the power button the lights should come back on, in the same place, as where you went into Hibernate mode.
If you completely cut power to the lightboard, and you have not recorded cues, then the fixtures will Home as though you had pressed Clear > All. If you have Cues recorded, then they will go to the location/settings of the first Cue in the cue list.
I would also suggest having a look at your "Include Options" when storing Cues or Playbacks.
You may wish to select "All" so that even lights that are not active (Intensity is at 0%) will be recorded.