Moving Light Intensity not Consistent

Hi All,

So I've been doing some programming on my Congo Kid (running Cobalt) and have noticed an interesting artifact with the intensity of some of my movers.  For instance, I'll select 8 of my Studio Beams patched into the console and when I roll the wheel up with the intensity starting at zero, they rise at different rates.  All start at zero, but if I roll the wheel a bit one might be at 30, another at 35, another at 33, etc.  Any ideas on what's causing this?



Parents Reply Children
  • Thanks for the reply Anne. I think you're on to something though. After playing around a little trying to inflict the symptom I've noticed that this only happens when I already have some devices selected then select some more. I completely understand the reasoning as to why the intensities would scale differently if the channels selected first were at non-zero values, but this happens when they're already zero'd out before selecting more channels. Thanks again!

  • Just spitballing here, but I've always assumed that's intentional behavior.

    Maintaining the selected lights' proportionality after reaching 0 seems like more of a feature than a bug: if you add to a channel or group selection it implies you're still working with that batch, conceptually. Forgot to include some channels, for instance. De-selection triggering the reset means you have conscious control over when/if that occurs, not "oh I accidentally rolled them too far, now I've lost 'em."
  • Hi there -

    Anne is correct - the selection of more lights does not zero out the original selection. Deselection should, and of course an actual intensity command of some kind other than the wheel should sync those channels together. 

    Thanks -


  • Indeed, this is the "underflow/overflow" feature.

    If you select a set of lights at different levels, roll them out and roll them back, they keep their relative levels.
    The same occurs if you roll them all to Full then back down.
    The [+%] and [- %] buttons do the same.

    Among other things, this is so you can quickly knock them out to check something then bring them back to the original levels, as well as "all down by 7% points" etc.

    You can think of this as pushing the ones that got there first "past" Zero or Full.

    The console 'remembers' the relative level until the channel is deselected or you use any absolute level command.
    - 0 [@Level] etc.

    Try it out!

  • Thanks for all the replies! I had figured that this was a feature and not a glitch, but the rationale really makes sense now that it's been explained. Thanks again!
