OSC control of cobalt 7.3 some commands not working


I'm having some issues with the OSC control of the cobalt ( nomad ) 7.3.

Most of my commands are working.

I had to remove all capital letters in the commands, and write them with small letters ( like "chdelay" instead of "ChDelay").

But no way to get record and update functions working.

Any idea around ?

Thank you !


Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    for example:
    /cobalt/key/go works
    /cobalt/key/GO ( as written in the manual ) doesn't work.

    but no way to get /coblat/key/Record ( I tried /cobalt/key/record ) working

    address is localhost in my case
    for the example /cobalt/key/ is the path,
    "go" is the parameter

    I think my config works, as I manage to use most commands as I have go, goback, ChDelay, ChTime etc... working.
    But no way to have Record and Update working.
