OSC control of cobalt 7.3 some commands not working


I'm having some issues with the OSC control of the cobalt ( nomad ) 7.3.

Most of my commands are working.

I had to remove all capital letters in the commands, and write them with small letters ( like "chdelay" instead of "ChDelay").

But no way to get record and update functions working.

Any idea around ?

Thank you !


Parents Reply
  • Hi,
    You're right, after testing again, upper or lower case doesn't matter.
    But record and update still don't work for me.
    I tried being focused on the Main Playback or Live tab, it doesn't make any difference.
    Also my feeling is that OSC commands should be allowed even if cobalt is not the focused window.
    I tend to use sometimes Cobalt in background, and I would like to be able to record or update presets anyway.
    Also, all other commands work even if Cobalt is in Background.