Template for scroller with fixture intensity

Hi all


We have many scrollers on PARCans using a Congo Jnr. What we would like to do is create a template which has the PARCan as the intensity and the scroller as the colour attribute on the same fixture. Unfortunately our dimmers are hard patched to the first 200 odd channels. Aparantly on some desks it's possible to do this by giving each fixture 2 dmx channels (one for the dimmer and one for the scroller). Unfortunately we have not found a way of doing this on the Congo. Our other idea was to have a set offset between the dimmer and the scroller but, doing this, the desk does not allow anything to be patched between the two channels.


Is there a way to do this? 




Rob Kettridge


  • Hi Rob,

    it is working in the devicelist, there you can have a channelnumber and a device attached to the channelnumber, the channel can have another dimmernumber on any universes. Open the device list from the browser with the mouse or from the live with MODIFY+DEVICE. 

    type the channelnumber press insert, then go in the device column press modify and choose the scroller templete, then go to the adress column and enter the dmx-adress of the scroller for exemple ( 320.2) and press modify. then go to the scroller roll and press modiy to choose your scroller roll.

    U can also insert your 20 scroller´s with the WIZARD and edited the channelnumbers later, but U have to choose a Channelnumber in the Wizard.


    You can not have a Templete for the intensity and the color, it is not possible to have a templete with an offset it is always continuning, (DMX1,DMX2,DMX3, and so on--> 301.2,302.2,303.2). 

    But you can patched in the device list with the channel of the parcan (which could be the same as the dimmer adress) and the scroller adress on another univers, or on the same univers. 


    Hope that helps,

    bye Roman 

  • Hi Rob -

    In Congo the dimmer and scroller are patched to the same channel number directly. You can see this in the Channel List view. As Roman has said, you can add these scrollers in the Device List or you can use the Patch Wizard. If you use the  Patch Wizard and your dimmers are already patched to channels, then you need to make sure to UNCHECK the "Replace Existing Dimmers" setting in the Wizard (otherwise your dimmers will be unpatched and only the scrollers will remain).

    Have you watched the tutorial that covers patching? I believe this may help to explain things more directly.

    I hope this helps -



  • For referance, every console channel can have the following patched at the same time:

    • Any number of dimmers/individual DMX addresses. These follow the Intensity of the channel.
    • One (1) Device. This device can have any number of individual Attributes. 

    So for scrollers and moving lights with an external dimmer, you patch the Dimmer and the Device seperately.

    As Sarah mentions, if you've already patched the Dimmer, you'll need to untick the "Replace Existing Dimmers" tickbox in the Patch Wizard.
    I suspect that this is where your confusion is arising. 

    [edited by: Richard at 1:59 AM (GMT -6) on Sun, Dec 09 2007] [edited by: Richard at 1:59 AM (GMT -6) on Sun, Dec 09 2007]