

Hi there,


Just wondered if anyone knows when MacCongo v 4.2 is likely to be released ?

Don't want to confuse myself with 4.1 !

Also, is there any chance that the new version will run in a re-sizable window ? v4.1 defaults to full screen and is a pain - I hate to auto-hide the dock!

 Thanks for your help


Parents Reply
  • Anders Ekvall:

    Yes, it is possible. The HELP key on a Mac keyboard doubles as INSERT (not very intuitive but that is the way it works).


    Hi Anders,

    I don't know if I'm being particularly dense here or not but the HELP key on my Mac keyboard seems to do absolutely nothing in McCongo !

    -Have tried just about every modifier I can think of...

    I'm using a UK keyboard layout on a G5 iMac if it helps...

    Yours in confusion (again)
