GOTO List view

Hi all -

We're wondering if anyone is using the Congo GOTO List tab. Could anyone with an opinion on this topic chime in?




  • I use it occasionally--when I'm programming in a hurry and can't remember the Preset or Step # to hit # GOTO--which probably works out to a few times a week. Typically if that's the case, because I'm rushing, I will half the time forget to close the tab before hitting GOTO again, which then acts as a Go button if the list is still open. I don't much care for that feature, but clearly it's due to my own carelessness that it gets me in trouble. One thing I wish it would do is display both Preset and Step text, regardless of which GOTO option is chosen. Rarely do I get the chance to label everything before I need to go back and edit it again; I'll label whichever item makes the most sense at the time, depending on if I'm adjusting a step or a preset, and it would be nice to have that memory aid in the GOTO list tab.


    [edited by: Anne S at 8:47 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jan 23 2008] spelling edit
  • I second Anne's request.  I always label the Presets, since it is the first available option when recording, then if I can't remember the preset number to Goto directly I have to open the preset list and scroll through that, then back to the playback tab to hit the GOTO.  If the preset label was in the GOTO list, I would use that all the time instead.

    J. R. Lidgett
    Salina Community Theatre

  • We don't use this function.  If we need to GOTO it will be the designer or stage manager calling the number.  It's very rare for us to have a programmer in but no designer/sm; when it does happens we are usually using the masters for parties, weddings, or other events of that sort.

    I do sometimes open the GOTO tab when I've been on the obsession for too long and I forget to type the number first.


  • I never use Goto List Tab but before with Pronto, I always use playback list on LCD for GOTO with jog wheel and Select Key. Now I use congo junior and we can't display sequence on LCD.
  • And suddenly, just like that, I found myself using the GOTO List tab quite a lot this week. Guest LD, adjusting an old show into a new configuration. To keep to the stage manager's cue numbers, I label the Presets (or steps, if re-used) LQ 4, LQ 7.5, etc. Because we did re-use a few Presets, I chose Step for the GoTo option. This is where having both sets of text would have been extremely useful; we jumped around in sequence quite a lot in order to build new Presets off of existing ones.



  • In the next software release, we have added the Preset text to the Goto list. So, now you can see both.
  • Hi,

    Yes we use the Goto List, especially if there will be a preset text...Thanks Anders!

    Tobias Löffler

    Bavarian State Theater Munic

  • Today I have used GOto List for the first time it is good, but I prefer sequence on lcd Like Pronto
  • Hi

    Normally I don't use the GOTO list.

    But tonight iI try but first I select the Seq tab and when I press the GOTO key it jump to the step i'm watching on the Seq tab.

    When we can see the Preset text and the Sequence text it will be one of the most important key to use cause normally when the LD to go to some scene during the rehearsal i've got to search on the text going back and forwad until I discover the cue.

