irfr and iphone troubles..

Hi . 

I am Having trouble setting up my iphone with irfr. 

I have a netgear wireless router connected to the congo console.

i have followed instructions for setting up and connecting the iphone to the console.

I have manage to find the console with the remote app in the Settings, select console to connect to, but when i go to actually connect to the console in the welcome screen it will not connect. 

Also when i have connected to the wireless router i get the little wifi symbol at the top of the screen but when i set the static ip address given for the desk the symbol disappears..

I am running ios7 on the iphone.  Has anyone had similar difficulties or am i missing something simple. 

I have enabled remotes in the system menu.  



[edited by: Jkavanagh at 8:12 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Oct 15 2013]
  • What do you mean by:

    "but when i set the static ip address given for the desk the symbol disappears.."

    That sounds like you're changing the IP address of the iPhone to be the same as the console.
    That will not work, as that gives you two things on the network with the same IP address.

    In order to connect to the console it needs to be Online on the network, to be running with a show loaded and to have the "Remotes Enabled" in [Setup].

    Finally, there must be a valid "IP route" between the iPhone and the console. There are many ways to do that.

    See this Wiki page.

    The first step is to identify which kind of hardware you're using for the WiFi:

    If your WiFi device has an ethernet "WAN" port, then it is a Router.
    Connect the console to the WAN port, use the router's default settings and set your iPhone to DHCP/Automatic.

    If your WiFi device does not, then it is being used as an Access Point - regardless of what it is labelled as.
    For these, you'll usually set your iPhone to a Static IP as described in the Wiki page.

    [edited by: Richard at 10:47 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Oct 16 2013]
  • hi Richard. 

    when i say the symbol dissapears i mean that wheni set the static ip, the phone drops the wireless network. 

    i have followed your instructions and the wiki page but to no avail. i am sure the error is with the user ie me.. 

    Just to check. i am connecting the router to the ethernet port on the console. am i right? 

    I tried using a netgear WGR614 V 7 and a Belkin F7D1301 V7. I am having the same problem with both. 

  • Yes, you need to use the "Ethernet" port on the console.
    - On a "Big" Congo there are two RJ45 ports, do not use the "APN", that's for an older type of Wing.

    Is the Congo connected to a "LAN" or "WAN" port of the Netgear/Belkin?
    - LAN are often yellow and WAN blue, but not always so look for a label.

    Are the network activity lights on the Netgear/Belkin and Congo blinking?

    What are the IP, Subnet Mask and Gateway IP of the Congo?
    Does the network show as "Online"?
    - These are shown in System Settings > Network.

    What version of software is the Congo running?
    - Browser > About > About Congo

    What are the IP, Subnet Mask and Gateway IP of the iPhone?
    - What is the Static IP are you trying to set?

    Is there anything else on the network?

  • On the belkin the input is yellow. on the net gear it simply says internet. 

    the desk is connecting to the routers.. 

    congo details.. 

    ip., subnet mask, gateway

    the network adaptor is showing as offline 

    i am running the latest software update. v6.4.1

    phone details. ip.,, gateway

    the static ip i was trying to set was the same as congos. 

    there is nothing else on the network. 


  • Jkavanagh said:
    the static ip i was trying to set was the same as congos.

    Aha - yes, that is the problem.
    You cannot have two devices on the network with the same IP address, it will kick one or both of them offline - which is why the WiFi symbol disappeared when you tried!

    The Wiki page suggests using the IP: for the first iPhone. (Though many oither values will work)

    After you've done that, if the console network adapter is still showing as "offline" then reboot the Congo while keeping the router powered.

    If it still doesn't come online after that, then you may have a bad ethernet cable between the Congo Ethernet port and the router, so try a different one.

    Remember that the iRFR won't connect until the console has loaded a show file.

    [edited by: Richard at 9:30 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Oct 17 2013]
  • should the address service dchp be enabled in network services? 


  • No, because in this case you are using "Static IPs".

    Have you tried setting your iPhone to have the IP from the previous post yet? Did it work?

    The critically important thing is to remember that there are two different IP addresses that you'll type on your iPhone:

    1. The IP address of the iPhone.
      This is only for the iPhone's "WiFi" settings page, and must be different to the Console IP and the IP of every other thing on the network.
    2. The IP address of the Console.
      This is only for the "New Console" page of the iRFR app.

    There are a lot of different ways to configure WiFi networks for i/aRFR based on different basic assumptions, so you will see posts recommending various different methods.

    The WiFi hardware (Netgear/Belkin) you've described above means that using Static IPs is the easiest method, because otherwise you would need to change settings on your WiFi hardware that may be hard to find.

    [edited by: Richard at 6:36 AM (GMT -6) on Sat, Oct 19 2013]
  • Still trying may be a hardware issue... had to put it on the back burner for a few days due to a busy theatre.. I will let you know how we go.. 


    Thanks for all the help. 

  • Richard said:

    If your WiFi device has an ethernet "WAN" port, then it is a Router.
    Connect the console to the WAN port, use the router's default settings and set your iPhone to DHCP/Automatic.

    I found it easier to connect the desk to the router via a LAN port and to disable DHCP in the Router. Then for testing purposes do the following, but proceed with CAUTION

    1. Enable DHCP services on your Congo and see if your iDevice get a valid IP and Subnet mask.
    2. If it does you have proven that the principal WIFI connection works.
    3. No disable DHCP settings on your Congo again
    4. Set the IP-Address and Subnet-mask to your original settings. The Gateway should be the IP of the desk in an unrouted network
    5. On your iDevice set an IP-Address within the same Subnet, but different from your Congo and set the Gateway( labelled Router) the same than your device IP.

    You should now be able to connect.


  • hI ..

    problem was with router..  (and user)... 

    Disabled dchp in router plugged in lan set a static ip as per wiki and result.. 

    Thanks richard for patience and all the help. 

    Always appreciated.. 

