slowing movers down

hi ya. i was wondering if anyone could help, i have plotted some movers in to a cue and they are moving around. However i want to change the speed at which they are moving. how do i do this?


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  • Not quite, but close!

    There are a couple of ways to do this:

    • First, check that Set Times To is the way you like it:
      • "A" - current cue
      • "B" - next cue
    • Type a number (in seconds), hold [FOCUS] and hit [TIME]
      •  This sets all pan/tilt movements in the chosen cue to use that time.
      • You can also use [FOCUS] & [DELAY] for delays, or use [COLOR] or [BEAM] in place of [FOCUS] for those attributes.

    Alternatively you can use the Times Editor:

    • Hold [MODIFY] and hit [TIME]
    • Make the changes you want!
      • You can open a list of individual attribute timings from here if you want to make particularly complex moves.

    [edited by: Richard at 10:18 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Mar 12 2008]