After working with the Congo offline editor or a few weeks now, i go ta WYSIWYG demo to play around with. So, here's my question: is there a way to work with WYSIWYG and the offlien editor like the actual board? or is this a feature reserved solely for the console?
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  • Is there anything we can do to help? Please email me directly if so.
  • On the Windows Client ..

    START>rightclick MY Network Places > Properties

    Right Click (on the network connection attached between the system running Congo and the system running WYSIWYG) > Properties > Install > Protocol > Add > NWLink IPX/SPX > OK > Close

    If you already have the Avab Pronto set up in WYSIWYG and the drivers Anders refferenced, with WYSIWYG running you will see a "V" on the bottom right of the taskbar on the system running WYSIWYG. Double click on it and you will have the option of setting your IPX Network number.

    Congo defaults to 9 ... set the WYSIWYG driver to 9 as well .. you will need to do this each time you start WYSI ..

  • Thanks to Anders I now have them both Connected I'm now getting my head around the new DMX on WYG (EDMX) as i can't seem to control my lights Ive patch on WYG with the Congo but its connected



  • Hi Carl -

    The IPX use of WYG is separate from the ETCNet2 use of WYSIWYG. I'll explain...

    You can connect Congo to WYG using ETCNet2 EDMX. If you want to do this, you will not need the IPX protocol or the console edition driver. What you won't get is any Autofocus capabilities as EDMX is a one-way protocol - Congo > WYG. You would need to patch your show in the EDMX universe in WYG.

    You can connect Congo to WYG using IPX and the console edition driver set. If you want to do this you have to have the IPX protocol installed and set to a frame type of 802.3, the console edition driver installed, and the WYG show patched to the normal (not EDMX) universes) which you then need to bind to Pronto console outputs in the WYG Device Manager. Using this driver and IPX, you get the Autofocus and Autopatch connection between Congo and WYG for more interactive control.

    Does this help? I know it can be confusing...

    Thanks -



  • Carl ... assuming you wish to utilize the autopatch feature ... per Sarah ...

    You will need to create new DMX universes in WYSIWYG to bind to the AVAB Pronto.

    Unfortunately I currently don't have my dongle so I can't walk you through it .. from memory I believe it's done on the "Data" tab ..

    Send Dany a note at Cast ... techsupport@Cast-soft.com

    He'll get you squared away ..

  • Hi,

    any Idea how to install IPX under Windows 7 64bit?

    I googled some tuttorials but copying and unoficiall installing of some files wan´t help.

  • Hi -

    IPX is not available in Windows 7. You can still use ETCNet2/EDMX, Net3/sACN or ArtNet to communicate with visualization programs running on Windows 7 machines, but you will not have the AutoFocus functions or other bidirectional options within the visulalization program.

    Thanks -


  • Just started playing with the offline editor on my XP laptop with wyg . I've managed to get the Congo console option to connect but but nothings lighting up.

    Anyone been through this and have some crucial advice for the settings in the various places ?


  • use simple ETCNET2 allow EDMX V4 on wyg and run ETC NET2 on congo editor, you need not to connect a console in live, it is a native connection

  • Nice one - thats all it was ( along with using the avab pronto option)

    Cheers pilou
