After working with the Congo offline editor or a few weeks now, i go ta WYSIWYG demo to play around with. So, here's my question: is there a way to work with WYSIWYG and the offlien editor like the actual board? or is this a feature reserved solely for the console?
Parents Reply
  • Hi Carl -

    The IPX use of WYG is separate from the ETCNet2 use of WYSIWYG. I'll explain...

    You can connect Congo to WYG using ETCNet2 EDMX. If you want to do this, you will not need the IPX protocol or the console edition driver. What you won't get is any Autofocus capabilities as EDMX is a one-way protocol - Congo > WYG. You would need to patch your show in the EDMX universe in WYG.

    You can connect Congo to WYG using IPX and the console edition driver set. If you want to do this you have to have the IPX protocol installed and set to a frame type of 802.3, the console edition driver installed, and the WYG show patched to the normal (not EDMX) universes) which you then need to bind to Pronto console outputs in the WYG Device Manager. Using this driver and IPX, you get the Autofocus and Autopatch connection between Congo and WYG for more interactive control.

    Does this help? I know it can be confusing...

    Thanks -


