Connecting ArtNet to Congo

OK, I give up.  I've been trying to connect my computer to Congo via ArtNet to run an couple of things I've downloaded of the net that are ArtNet compatible, but I can't get the board and the PC to talk to each other.  Could someone give me a step by step on how to network together the two.  I can't find any real clear instructions on how to do this!

J. R. Lidgett
Salina Community Theatre

  • So the information about switches, etc. that others have given you is all good information.

    Let me give you a step-by-step from the last time I set it up.

    1. Make sure your console IP address is in the 10.101.x.x subnet.
    2. Make sure the receiving device is also in the 10.101.x.x subnet (actually you can get away with 10.x.x.x).
    3. Enable artnet.
    4. Set your artnet broadcast address to .
    5. Reboot your console.
    6. In patching your devices, keep in mind that every output protocol on the console starts with the first universe of its particular protocol as universe 1.  Unfortunately, ArtNet actually refers to its first universe as universe 0 internally.  Therefore congo 25.1 is Artnet Universe 0, Address 25.  Just a little trick to be aware of.


  • So the information about switches, etc. that others have given you is all good information.

    Let me give you a step-by-step from the last time I set it up.

    1. Make sure your console IP address is in the 10.101.x.x subnet.
    2. Make sure the receiving device is also in the 10.101.x.x subnet (actually you can get away with 10.x.x.x).
    3. Enable artnet.
    4. Set your artnet broadcast address to .
    5. Reboot your console.
    6. In patching your devices, keep in mind that every output protocol on the console starts with the first universe of its particular protocol as universe 1.  Unfortunately, ArtNet actually refers to its first universe as universe 0 internally.  Therefore congo 25.1 is Artnet Universe 0, Address 25.  Just a little trick to be aware of.

