Registering for upgrades


At the recent London training, it was mentioned that owners could register somewhere to be notified of, and receive, the upgrades as they're released. I've had a quick nosey around the website but can't find anything, nor have I noticed anything in the documentation (although I STILL haven't finished reading the manual!). Is there somewhere to do this or will it be public domain when upgrades are available?


  • Congo jr consoles can be registered online here. We are still working on the mechanism for registering Congo consoles.

    Owners of Congo jr consoles (and ultimately Congo consoles as well) can register their console and as a thank you we will send you a Congo Client Kit.

    Congo (and all consoles') software releases are always free of charge and available for download from the main ETC Web site. We ask for contact information when you download so that we can notify you of new releases. You may occasionally get an email from one of us letting you know some important information about Congo.

    I hope this helps -



  • Ah that's what the package that turned up today from ETC was. Didnt think I was expecting anything!!

    Very impressive service as I only registed on Monday!



  • so what you get !!!!! Im a Congo user so carnt register mine yet.


  • GShort:
    Ah that's what the package that turned up today from ETC was. Didnt think I was expecting anything!!

    Edit: Just received my parcel today - the next question is... what's it for??

    [edited by: PDD at 4:58 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Feb 12 2007] [edited by: PDD at 4:57 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Feb 12 2007]
  • cknapper:
    so what you get !!!!! Im a Congo user so carnt register mine yet.

    Well it's the Client software for Congo, with the dongle for it, but as I'm not really knowledgable about networking, I'm not really sure what to use it for. Perhaps somebody can tell me?

  • Hi all -

    The Congo Client dongle allows you to connect your laptop or PC to the network the Congo console is on and connect it to that console. You run the same software you would use for Congo Offline, but with the dongle and a Congo connected you get the 'Client' option at startup. A Client PC shows displays the show data from the connected Congo console on the PC, so you can use it for a remote video or remote control station if you like. The same keyboard commands you use with Offline become remote control commands for the connected Congo console.

    If you login with the name "View", then you cannot change any data from the Client, only view that data, like you might have at a stage manager or designers position in a theatre.

    Hope that helps -


  • Hi all -

    The Congo Client dongle allows you to connect your laptop or PC to the network the Congo console is on and connect it to that console. You run the same software you would use for Congo Offline, but with the dongle and a Congo connected you get the 'Client' option at startup. A Client PC shows displays the show data from the connected Congo console on the PC, so you can use it for a remote video or remote control station if you like. The same keyboard commands you use with Offline become remote control commands for the connected Congo console.

    If you login with the name "View", then you cannot change any data from the Client, only view that data, like you might have at a stage manager or designers position in a theatre.

    Hope that helps -

