Phone Remote Issues

We have been using a phone remote and on v.4.3 if you bring up a channel on the remote then go to the board and hit 0 goto it would clear, now i try that on v5 and the channels don't clear.
  • Hi Russell -

    In order to allow techs to work with remotes and not keep a main programmer from also working, remote controls are now handled in their own field. To clear contributions from a remote control, please go to the Browser> Channels> Settings and Tools> Remote Controls> Clear Remote Fields. Or, you can always set the channel(s) back to zero from the remote.

    Thanks -


  • I noticed that the other day when I was playing with V5, it even has a little "RE" symbol on the channel to tell you where it is coming from.  Now, if you have something up with the remote and record a preset, does it ignore the info from the remote field?

    J. R. Lidgett
    Salina Community Theatre

  • Intensity information coming from the remote will be ignored by a record action on the console, and vice versa (console levels are not recorded when you record from the remote). Attributes are a different matter, though, as we don't have a sense of "ownership" of attributes in Congo.



  • Sarah-


    A number of times recently we have found lights that have been "stuck on" and have traced it down to the remote having brought them up and not being cleared.  However, when programming during the times when these lights were up the lights brought up by the remote were indeed recording into the cues.  I love the idea of being able to program while the electricians are working on problems with the remote, but it is ineffective if it records those lights.  We're using v5.1.




  • Sarah-


    A number of times recently we have found lights that have been "stuck on" and have traced it down to the remote having brought them up and not being cleared.  However, when programming during the times when these lights were up the lights brought up by the remote were indeed recording into the cues.  I love the idea of being able to program while the electricians are working on problems with the remote, but it is ineffective if it records those lights.  We're using v5.1.



