auto move scrollers


 I just programmed a large series of pre-sets. When I first began writing the other day, it seemed like the automove feature was doing its thing and everything was working great. (All cues are currently set to GoinB). I was looking back through my cues after programming last night and I have lots of live moves!! Is there a box somewhere that I need to uncheck to enable the automove? How can I troubleshoot this?




  • Hi Tonya -

    Congo has a scroller feature called "automove" that adds some movement to frames of your scroller rolls so that the color doesn't burno out so quickly. I'm guessing that you are really asking about "GoInB" which is like a "move in dark" feature for presetting your scrollers before they fade up.

    GoInB works by executing attribute moves when the sequence step moves into the B fader (the pending fader). If the channels in question are active (intensity above 0%) in the A fader at the time, you will see that move happen live and the stage will be in the wrong color for the look in A.

    You can switch back to the GoOnGo state for any sequence step in the Sequence List (shortcut MODIFY & PLAYBACK for the list on the Main Playback, or for any sequence from the Sequences List by pressing SEQ, then selecting the sequence number you want to edit, then press MODIFY).

    If you have a step that mixes live moves and dark moves, you can set the GoInB or GoOnGo state by channel within the Preset Attributes editor (# MODIFY & PRESET to open the preset list at the appropriate preset number, then press ATTRIB to open the attributes editor for that preset). The second column from the left is the GoOnGo column, simply select the cells that correspond to the channels you want to change, then press MODIFY until the appropriate setting is displayed.

    Does this help?

    Thanks -


  • Something that bit me once while setting up lots of dark scroller moves is that the Go-In-B attribute moves use the recorded attribute timings for the B sequence step - the default is 100% of the crossfade time.
    The Go-In-B moves also do not start until after the A crossfade completes.

    This means that if you hit GO multiple times as soon as each intensity fade finishes to quickly step through the show, the scroller moves may not have completed when the lights come up and it looks like they are moving live!

    The quick way to check this is to open up the Live Attributes tab by hitting [ATTRIB]

    As each move happens, you can see a progress bar run through the attribute spreadsheet cell showing the move status - once this bar completes, the B-step is ready to fade up.

    Obviously you can change the recorded times in the Preset or Step FCB as required to ensure that the moves are fast enough when running the show - and slow enough to be quiet!

    [edited by: Richard at 9:53 AM (GMT -6) on Sat, Apr 14 2007] [edited by: Richard at 9:52 AM (GMT -6) on Sat, Apr 14 2007]
  • I like the Live Attributes' yellow progress bar, but I have always wondered: why doesn't the graphical crossfade representation on the Main Playback display also track this? I delay FCBs often, and the graphic shows how the next sequence step is set up, but once the intensities have faded I don't see the FCB progress: the step advances while the attributes are catching up. I realize the graphic is currently bounded by step in and out times, but since delays affect how long processes assigned to each step take, it would be helpful to see that. 

  • I definately second this Anne.  Being able to see the GoinB times on the Main Playback tab would be a huge advantage.  It would seem to make sense to have them there as these times are part of the cue.