Congo will not record (some) master playbacks

I'm running v5.1 & have been having trouble recording some master playbacks into presets. The problem is intermittent & confirmed by two other users of my console. It first appeared prior to the upgrade to v5.1 while still running v5.0.

Most of my master playback content is groups & I generally use these for a basic build for presets. The general procedure is to raise the desired faders to the desired intensity & record. Sometimes the master playbacks record; sometimes some record while others do not; sometimes none record. The workaround has been to select the groups, set a level with the keypad or wheel & record, which explains why movers always record. Exclude master playbacks from recording in presets is not enabled in Settings.

ETC Tech Support suggested rebuilding the patch from scratch. That has been done & did not resolve the problem. They've examined a show file & could not re-create the problem. They suggested a next step might be to re-image the drive.

I would appreciate any other suggestions.


Keith Ellison, Henry County Performing Arts Center, McDonough, GA

  • I think I may know what's going on here:

    When you first do the Record or Update function taking levels from Masters, the cue is not actually fully played back - this is so you can easily set new levels from your Masters, as otherwise you wouldn't be able to make a new cue with lower levels than the one you just recorded.

    This can make you think it didn't record even though it did, because pulling down your Masters leaves a blackout.

    To force it to play back the cue, you can hit the [Refresh] button (next to [Playback]), which replays the sequence to where you are.

  • Thank you for your response, Richard.

    The content is not being recorded at all. This happens whether you record a new preset or update an existing one from the master playbacks. It's not a matter of channels being recorded with no level, either. If you look at the preset tab, the intended channels don't even show up. It has happened across the last 10 shows, built off two different house patches. The latest show was built off a completely new patch built from scratch.



  • Hi Keith -


    Could you attach one of your show files to a message here or send it to me at sarah DOT clausen AT etcconnect DOT com? I'll take a look. There should not be a problem like this happening intermittently if you're using the same method to record your presets. Does this happen intermittently for the same operators? Or does it happen for some operators but not all? Do you know if they use different commands to record their presets?


    Thanks much -



  • This is a basic function of Congo. I don't think we have heard about something similar before.

    I wonder if you might be doing something specific that confuses the system and that we haven't foreseen. Could you give us some more information about the situation when this happens? Do you have any special tabs open? Have you done any specific editing before this happens, or opening and closing an editor, like the Master Editor.

    If you get into a situation when the master mix isn't recorded, will additional record/update command misbehave in the same way? Or, does the problem disappear?

  • Thanks, Sarah. I have a show this morning, but I'll get the  file to you as soon as possible.

    This has happened with three different experienced operators and a fourth operator who is a beginner. We are all recording presets just as we have on this Congo Sr. for the past two years. The Main Playback or Live tab is the one that is active during record. The basic procedure is to set levels on one or more master playback faders until we get the look we want, then hit record, give it a text label and any in/out timings if other than default, then hit record or modify.


  • Bummer. I was hoping for a more exotic answer. :-)

    Thanks for your patience and we'll try to figure out what's going on. As Anders said, this is a very common function so it's strange that you're seeing the problems you are.

    Thanks -


  • Anders,

    The tabs we've typically had open over the past ten shows are Main Playback, Live, Masters, Gel Picker, Presets and Sequence. They've not always all been open; for example, somethimes we've opened or closed the Preset and Sequence tabs. The only other constant is the Gel Picker tab, which I believe has been open pretty much all the time.

    The seemingly intermittent nature of the problem has made it difficult to determine when it exactly starts. In my instances, I've had shows where the masters recorded several presets, then some of them stopped recording. None of these presets containted anything fancy; bascically groups recorded to master playbacks, which we were using to get basic looks for a preset. From there, we might add color, position a mover, etc. No dynamics, chases or anyhtin at all eleaborate. We're using stock templates for Wybron Nexeras and VL2500s, so there should be nothing weird that's introduced because of a homemade template. When this first happened, I thought it might I might have something triggering it at some point, but I've also had the problem start with the beginning preset for a show.

    The Congo is always shut down at the end of the night, so there's a fresh reboot everyday.



  • Very strange!

    Sounds like you are doing everything in a standard way.

    When you record, which tab do your normally have focused? Could this be a focus issue? To make sure that you get the Live data into the preset, either the Live or Main Playback tab has to be focused.

  • Yes, either the Main Playback or Live tabs are focused.

  • i've noticed that if I do not press "all" to capture the channels that have been brought up with the masterplaybacks as groups before I record it as a playback, it will not record the groups that I have brought up.

  • Hi -

    Channel selection has no affect on what gets recorded when you use RECORD by itself. It does make a difference if you're recording directly to another master playback using RECORD & MASTER, though. Is this what you're seeing?


    Thanks -


  • Sarah,

    I'm attaching a show file from the first instance where the problem appeared beginning on March 10. I'm also attaching the current show file (built from a newly created patch yesterday per ETC Tech Support's suggestion). Note that the ETC Notification # for this issue is 300065088. Tech Support received the first file or an earlier version of it, but was unable to re-create the problem.

    A new issue cropped up this morning, probably unrelated. Upon starting up Congo & loading the current show file (Last Saved Data), it reported a Congo Application Error. So, I'm attachinga copy of the Log File. The board was shut down following the show this morning. When I started it up to copy the show files to USB, I got a second Congo Application Error. The log file I'm sending is from the second occurrence.

    The only run issue we have had (so far as I know) came this morning when one of the cues late in the show would not GO. The operator (experienced on Congo) reported he was able to execute the cue only by closing all open tabs except Main & Live, then re-opening them. I do not know which tabs were open, but I will find out. Otherwise, the problems have been related to failure to record master playback content into presets during programming.

    In the show files, I have changed the name of Roscolux 02 B***ard Amber to B_ Amber. It's funny now, but I was quite ticked off when I kept attempting to send the file to ETC Tech Support & they never received it. After about a week of trying, I ran into a couple of the school system IT Network guys. After they reviewed file, they released it so it would go through to ETC. Seems the Internet filtering blocked it because it contained that naughty word.

    Breathlessly awaiting the magic solution,


  • I'm only seeing one attachment listed. Did the show files not go through? Is only one attachment per post allowed. I intended to send four attachments.


  • I think you are only allowed one attachment to a post on the forum.

    Also, there should be a "CongoDmp" file as well that includes a lot more information about the "Application error" you saw.

    It would be great if you could send all of these files to "congo (at) etcconnect (dot) com", along with a link to this thread or quick summary of the problems - this goes to the whole Congo support team and has much more space for attachments than the forum.

  • I think you are only allowed one attachment to a post on the forum.

    Also, there should be a "CongoDmp" file as well that includes a lot more information about the "Application error" you saw.

    It would be great if you could send all of these files to "congo (at) etcconnect (dot) com", along with a link to this thread or quick summary of the problems - this goes to the whole Congo support team and has much more space for attachments than the forum.

  • Richard,

    Thanks. I'll send all via email. I have the CongoDmp file, but it was apparently dropped along with the two show files, since only the last one I attached came through.


  • Have you been able to send the show file and the dmp files to the congo address at etcconnect? I haven't seen it arriving yet.

    As soon as I get it, I'll analyze the crash situation.

    About the problem with getting the master content recorded, I am still puzzled. This is a very basic function and we have no other reports about problems in this area. I really wonder why it misbehaves for you. If you have any further hints, this is welcome.

  • Two show files, two files and two DebugInfo.txt files were sent via email just prior to midnight EDT, 5/6/09, to congo@etcconnect[dot]com. Hopefully, they will come through this time.

  • I am having this exact "masters occasionally record"  problem at my church.  All of the conditions seem to be the same as those mentioned by the folks in Georgia.  Searching the forums found this thread but not the answer!  Did this ever get solved?

  • dempey said:

    I am having this exact "masters occasionally record"  problem at my church.  All of the conditions seem to be the same as those mentioned by the folks in Georgia.  Searching the forums found this thread but not the answer!  Did this ever get solved?

    No, the problem continues. Aggravating, isn't it?

    I am currently using a "loaner" Congo while mine is at ETC for investigation of this problem, repair of the Y (CMY) encoder wheel, which often will not change values, and repair/replacement of the outlandishly loud processor fan. Prior to shipping the console back to ETC,  everyone was baffled & no one was able to recreate the problem even with my data. I've not had a status report on the repair progress. Email me at & I'll let you know the outcome.

