Congo Crashing

Has anyone else had problems with their Congo freezing since updating to version 6? Ours stops the output where it is and displays the Congo start up screens on the monitors. We lose control over any of the functions. The only way out is a restart.

  • two of our consoles are version 5.0.1

    one is still working fine in one of our studios, but the other one seemed to crash down.

    at first it lost its 12V power supply and we managed to replaced it with a new UPS power supply.

    we tested the console with the new power supply without the montitors and was working ok.

    on a couple of restarts we tried it with one of the monitors but it seemed there is no output on VGA on all three monitors.

    we tried interchanging all three monitor but still no output on those monitors.

    the console just remains on C O N G O state on the facepanel and no output on the monitors.

    just wanted to ask what possibilities could be done.

    please advice us. thanks.

  • rsagalongos, 

    Where are you located, please? Did you perform the power supply repair on your own or was that with the help of an ETC dealer or one of our main offices?


    Thanks much -


  • we are currently in dubai, one of our colleagues managed to repair the power supply as it only lacks 12V DC going to the mother board. i understand the nature of your power supplies is almost the same as basic computer desktops. the facepanel now works but without the extra load of the 12V going to the hard disc, that maybe the case why its not going into the setup inside windows software and no VGA output. the case now is if i connect the load for the hard disc and the motherboard 12V supply (orange black black red) cables the system shuts down. is the problem from the supply or is it from the motherboard as we need to write a report regarding this one before sending it to the supplier for future reference and repair maintenance log. please advice, thanks.

  • and now i am sure that the hard disc is causing the problem as i have disconnected the hard disc and the first monitor reads "Operating System not found _". if this is the case should we send only the hard disc or is there a possibility of just formatting it and loading a new Congo Software and thus updating the same in the process? please, thanks

  • Hi Rsagalongos,

    you need to contact your dealer or ETC directly for assistance:

    For technical support in Europe, please call (+44) 20 8896 1000.


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