Chase into a Normal Sequence

hi to all...

i am new to the forum as new i am to the programming of the console Congo.

so plz be patient with me... now my questions....

1. when i record a preset for a sequence with dynamics why the dynamics keep running even when i am to the next  preset of the sequence? (i have pressed the "auto stop dynamics" at congo setup page.)

2.i know how to create 1-2-3-4..... sequences and to load each one i want. i also know to create a chase sequence at to make a pause from WFA..... the question is  when the next preset of the sequence is like "cut" time fade, the pause is NOT working. the sequense is NOT pausing to the step i used WFA and it keep running to the next steps.... i found out that the limit of the fade in-out must be over 0.5 seconds. this is bug or is just a limit?  (Congo Ver 4.3.0) possible when i have a normal sequence that have 5 presets, to make No6 step to be a chase of 5 steps that i have create in a new chase sequense? and after that 5 steps to record again normal steps?

 example : 1-2-3-4-5 ----> normal Go steps

                    6-7-8-9-10---->Chase steps

                  11-12-13-14-15---->normal steps

coz its a bit hard to have a MainPlayback and to create a Master with Chase sequence


thanks for reading and i hope to get an answer...

coz the instruction manual is hard to read and understand when

english is not the natural language for me.... :/

  • Hello -

    Version 4.3 software is quite old. I would higly recommend updating to v6.0.3 software, then take a look at the various effects available. Chase sequences are not the most efficient way to do an effect in Congo anymore. You don't mention which language you do speak other than English, but there are tutorials on the new effects (Chase, Content and Dynamic) in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian at the top of this forum. Take a look and let us know if you have additional questions. We are happy to help!

    I hope this helps!


  • Dear Sarah.

    i am from Greece. so there is no way to find any tutorial in Greek.and by the way....the tutorials are for V5... and yeah, you may have right that  4.3.0 is old but this does not mean that i must download the V6 so i can do my job without problems. coz V5 and V6 have new patches,updates,functions. correct? well, i cant update any of my main consoles right now. not Congo.... not Junior... we are in the middle of a season.... so i guess i cant find answers to my questions. correct? well, at least i tryied......

    thanks a lot.

    [edited by: varsamis_k at 12:40 PM (GMT -6) on Thu, Jan 21 2010]
  • Hi varsamis

    It's been a while since V4.3.0 so I'm not sure if I it's like this but...

    1. try to put on the next preset the STOP Dynamics attributes cause for some time it's what I'm doing with that version and it always work.

    2. the pause never works with WFA times only with the preset times so if you have a WFA of 30 sec and a 0.1 sec for the next preset good luck if you can stop that preset cause I never could do that. PAUSE only goes with IN OUT and DELAY times (after you press GO).

    3.with V4.3.0 try to make a Seq. Chase and put that Seq on a master and after that just do Preset 6 with Master Link to put that chase running and Preset 7 with same Master Link to stop the chase.

    Hope that helps but like I said V4.3.0 it's been a while since that version. As soon as you can try to install the V6.3.0 and you see different things to do what you ask now. With V6.3.0 same things are more easy to do. Try it with the offline and you'll see the diferences.


    Pedro Alves 

    [edited by: Pedro Alves at 4:39 PM (GMT -6) on Thu, Jan 21 2010]