Save play time.

I'm having an issue that may be just one of those things but thought I'd ask anyway. How long roughly should it take to save a show? I'm sure our Congo Jnr is getting slower and slower, it now seems to take around 30s to save as in press modify on save, the play file has been updated message shows almost instantly but the console locks and the hour glass appears for about 30s before you regain control.

Parents Reply
  • Aha! Spot on, I forgot that we have used a file server in the past, and it's still configured for it even though that machine is no longer present on the same network as the Congo. Disabling it has sped things up no end!

    Alls well anyway now, but loading also took a long time, although it never bothered me as much. I suppose when you're trying to fit in quick saves during an intensive plot 30s to a minute can seem forever to hold people up.

    Many thanks,

