I regularly get keystroke reading errors and have to repeat the exact same keystroke sequence up to three times to get my Congo Snr to do the right thing.
I've recently updated to V 6.04 and hoped this would solve the problem. It hasn't.
There are a variety of outcomes.
With channels selected (highlighted in gold) I enter a two digit number followed by the @ key and not only do the selected channels go to that level but the channel that corresponds to the level I've entered comes up at 1%.
No level changes occur and the channel that corresponds to the leve I've entered comes up at 1%.
I'll enter a number (up to three digits) and then press the Goto key. Instead of going to that preset, it brings up the Goto screen.
There are other keystroke recognition errors I've not listed here for brevity's sake but I'd like to know how to solve this problem as it's annoying, particularly during long plot sessions.